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GletPro 333

Glet Final Professional 333
White - Glet final Exterior

Glet Final is a white, extra fine-grained polymer-modified cement-powder. With the addition of water, a paste with a very good workabillity is formed, suitable for stuccoimg in eksterior areas. it is classified as type GP CS II, WO mortar according to EN998-1.The content of Glet Final bag is added to water under continuous stirring until a uniform mixture with the desired workability is formed, suitable for stuccoing. Grinding and painting of the final surface is done approx. after 12 hours.

Fields of application: Glen Final is used for smoothing and preparing interior surfaces that are going to be covered with paint or other coatings. It is suitable for surfaces made of concrete or plaster and replaces oil stuccos and other similar materials.

Consumption: Approx. 1, 1 kg/m2/mm of layer thickness.

Shelf-life - Storage: 20kg: 12 months from production date. Temperature during application should be at least +5°C.
Ebaufix Glet final contains cement and reacts as alkaline with water, so it is classified as irritant.